1. ALFA TABS (Tonic Tabs)

Composition : Alfalfa Q, Avena Sat Q, China Off Q, Hydrastis Q, Aswagandha Q, 5 Phosphates in 6x equal proportion in Lactose Base flavoured.

Indications : Helps in debilitated people who are weak physically and mentally due to over exertion. It improves appetite, digestion and useful for children & adults.

2. ANTI-TRAUMATIC (A.T. 200) - (Pain Reliever)

Composition : Arnica 200, Bellis per 200, Hypericum 200, Ledum pal 200, Rhus Tox 200, Ruta G 200, Symphytum 200, Lactose Base in equal proportion.

Indications : Useful for all types of painful injuries, sprained and punctured wounds. Also useful in bone fractures, joint pains, rheumatic pains and swelling of joints etc.


Composition : Sepia 2x 25 mg, Cimicifuga 2x 25 mg, Lachesis 5x 25 mg. Ignatia 3x 25 mg, Sanguinaria 2x 25 mg, excipients q.s. to 250 mg Lactose Base

Indications : It helps in oldage women problems. At the time of change of life. It controls profuse, protracted bleeding with flushes of heat. It relieves from headache feminine sexual frigidity due to suppression from grief.


Composition : Ars. Alb 5x 25 mg, Causticum 3x 25 mg, Graphites 3x 25 mg, Sulphur 4x 25 mg, Merc Sol 8x 25 mg. excipients q.s. to 250 mg, Lactose Base

Indications : Useful in itching, dry and wet eruptions, pustules, vesicular eruptions. Pruritis, often recuring eruptions. Oozing Ulcers with offensive discharges. Excoriation between joints. Psoriasis and gangrenous eruptions.

5. DIGECARE TABS (Digestive Tabs)

Composition : Alumina 1x, 150mg, Mag. Hydrox 1x 100mg, Mag. Phos 3x 25mg, Kali Phos 3x 25mg, Calc. Phos 3x 25mg, Nat. Phos 3x 50mg, Ferr. Phos 3x 50mg, Carbo Veg 6x 0.125mg, Cinchona Off 6x 0.125mg, Lyco cla 6x 0.125mg, Excipients q.s. to 500mg. Lactose Base flavoured.

Indications : Excellently useful in Hyper acidity. Heart burn, epigastric region distended with flatus and painful chest due to gastric complaint. It helps in constipation and indigestion..

6. DYSMINO CARE (Painful Menses)

Composition : Belladonna 6x, Caulophyllum 6x, Cimicifuga 6x, Mag. Phos 6x, Vib Op. 6x in equal proportion excipients q.s. to 100 mg. Lactose base

Indications : Useful in Dysmenorrhoea, Ovarian Neuralgia, Pain immediately after, before and during menses and its associated symptons.

7. GINSENG (Nerve Tonic)

Composition : Ginseng 1x Lactose Base.

Indications : Useful in nervous disorders like Rheu-matic pains, lumbago, sciatica and nervous exhaus-tion, sexual debility. It gives vigour and vital strength in need.



Composition : Calc. Phos 6x 0.10gr, Ferr. Phos 3x 0.025gr, Kali. Phos 4x 0.025 gr, Cup Oxy Nig. 3x 0.05gr, Chamomilla 5x 0.25ml, China 3x 0.25ml, Iodium 3x 0.25ml, Cypripedium 3x 0.025 ml, Chelone 3x 0.10ml, Cateria Nepet 2x 0.025ml, Excipients q.s.

Indications : Effectively work in infants and paediatric complaints i.e., gripping, colicky abdomen, Dentitional diarrhoea, indigestion, worm infection, delayed dentition, pyrexia, Nausea, retarded growth, intolerance of milk and iron deficiency, improves general health.

9. KESH POSHAK (Hair Falling & Dandruff)

Composition : Acid Fluor 30 0.10ml, Acid. Phos 30 0.10ml, Ars. Alb 30 0.10ml, Badiaga 30 0.10ml, Calc. Phos 30 0.10ml, Nat. Mur 30 0.10ml, Excipients q.s. to 100mg. Lactose Base.

Indications : Prevents falling of hair, Dandruff dry/wet scales and premature grey hair, alopecia, itching of sclap and helps in growing hair and promotes new hair growth etc.

10. LEUCO CARE (White Discharge)

Composition : Alumina 6c, Borax 6c, Sepia 6c, Kreosote 6x, Pulsatilla 6x In equal proportion excipients q.s. to 100 mg.

Indications : Leucorrhoea (White discharge) in different types like yellowish, white of eggs, acrid, excoriation, offensive odour with back pain. Sterlity due to leucorrhoea.


11. PHYTOLACCA BERRY (Fat Reducer)

Composition : Phytolacca Berry 2x, 10% excipients q.s. to 100%, Lactose Base.

Indications : Useful in obesity to reduce the fat contents of the stout and fatty body and restore the figure.

12. REECALL (Memory Tab)

Composition : Melilotus Q 0.2 gm, Avena Sat Q 0.15gm, Alfalfa Q 0.20mg, Withania S. Q 0.15mg, Cinchona Off Q 0.05mg, Passiflora In Q 0.05ml, Sarasaparilla Q 0.05ml, Acid Phos 2x 0.25gm, Kali. Phos 3x 2.00gm, Damiana 6x 0.05gm, Anacardium 6x 0.03gm,excipients q.s. to 5gm in Lactose Base

Indications : Useful for forgetfulness, lack of memory, absent mindedness, restlessness due to exertion, sleeplessness due to over work. It relieves from worries and anxiety, fear of examination in students, loss of concentration. It helps to the students and thinkers.

13. RE ENERGER (Impotency)

Composition : Aswagandha 3x 10%, Avena Sat 2x 10%, Cantharis 3x 10%, Damiana Q 10%, Nux Vom Q 10%, Yohimbinum 2x 10%, Excipients q.s. to 100mg, Lactose Base.

Indications : Impotency due to bad effects of Masturbation and early emissions followed by weakness, delayed erection and sexual weakness. Tone up the happy fair family life.

14. SNEEZO CARE (Allergic Sneezing)

Composition : Nat. Mur 12x, Silicea 12x, Gelsemium 3x, Allium Cepa 3x, Euphrasia 3x, In equal proportion excipients q.s. to 100mg, Lactose Base.

Indications : In acute and chronic allergic sneezings with or without coryza. Itching of nose, eyes, ears and throat. Stoppage of nose, Fluent coryza with or without cough, nasal polypi, headache etc.,

15. SINO CARE (Sinus)

Composition : Ars. Alb 12D 10%, Calc. Carb 30C 10%, Cinnabaris 12D 10%, Kali. Bich 12D 10%, Pulsatilla 12D 10%, in equal proportion excipients q.s. to 100% Lactose Base.

Indications : Useful in acute and chronic catarrh, sinusitis. It relieves from stoppage of nose, pain at the root of nose, forehead and maxillary regions. Loss of smell, swelling of glands and its associated symptoms.

16. SPONDI CARE (Spondylitis)

Composition : Colocynth 3x 1.0mg, Ruta G 3x 1.0 mg. Ledum Pal 2x 2.0 mg, Hypericum 5x 1.0 mg, Cuprum Met 30 2.0 mg, Dulcamara 30 1.0 mg, Conium M 3x 1.0mg, excipients q.s. to 100 mg. Lactose Base.

Indications : Useful in cervical spondylitis, painful and stiffness of neck, neck region cannot move freely. Backpain due to change of weather, strained pressure, tensions etc. Cracking joints, painful, swelling of joints, glands enlarged and indurated. Muscular weakness etc.

17. TONSI CARE (Tonsils)

Composition : Belladonna 6x, Baryta Carb 12x, Ferr. Phos 6x, Kali. Mur 6x, Merc. Bin.lod 6x, in equal proportion excipients q.s. to 100mg. Lactose base.

Indications : Useful for enlarged Tonsils, painful, inflammation with difficult swallowing, fever, cold and cough. Adenoid enlarged and scrofulous tendency. It Helps to reduce enlarged tonsils.

18. WARTO CARE (Warts)

Composition : Thuja 200, Acid Nit 200, Antim Crud 200, Causticum 200, in equal proportions q.s. to 100mg. in Lactose Base.

Indications : Useful in all types of warts such as dry, bleeding, itching, painful, hard and soft warts in various parts of the body and also useful in corns hard and painful.

19.WORMCIN (Worms)

Composition : Cina 6x 2.5mg, Cup. Oxy. Nig. 3x 1.5mg, Sabadilla 6x 1mg, Santonine 3x 2.5mg, Spigelia 3x 1mg, Teucrium MV 3x 1.5mg, excipients q.s. to 100mg. Lactose Base.

Indications : Useful in all types of worms (Pin worms, hook worm, round worm, tape worms, ascarides) pain in abdomen, irritability, itching at anus, indigestion, grinding of teeth during sleep. Lice in head etc.



Composition : Each tablet contains : Ratanhia 3, Hamamelis virginica 3x, Aesculus hippocastanum 3x, Aloe socotrina 6, Calcarea flourica 3x, Excipients q.s. to 1 tablet of 250 mg.

Indication : Bleeding piles & fissures in anal region, constipation, backache & associated Symptoms.


Composition : Each tablet contains : Arsenicum album 3x, Gelsemium sempervirens 3x, Eupatorium perfoliatum 3x, Bellis perennis 3x, Bryonia alba 3x, In equal proportion, Excipients q.s. to 1 tablet

Indication : In acute influenza cold and cough Indicated in acute catarth Sneezing, runny nose, headache, bodyache & lassitude.


Composition : Each tablet contains : Abrus Precatorius 6x, Aconitum Napellus 6x, Calendula Officinalls 3x, Kali Phosphoricum 3x, Viburnum Opulus 3x, Zincum Picricum 3x, Excipients q.s. to one tablet of 250 mg.

Indication : Relieves from Anxiety, Tension, Depression, Insomnia


Composition : Each tablet contains : Phenolphthalein 1x 270mg, Senna 1x 30mg, Sulphur 1x 30mg, Excipients q.s.

Indication : For toning up the intestine, regulating bowel habits, relleving constipation & anal itching.


Composition : Each tablet contains : Calcarea carbonica 3x, Calcarea fiuorica 3x, Calcarea phosphorica 3x, Silicea 3x, In equal proportions, Excipients q.s. to one tablet of 250 mg.

Indication : Pre and post menopausal women trend to develp ostioporosis and elderly men. It maintains bone strength and tissue elasticity. Supplement calcium needs in growing children



Composition : Each tablet contains : Baryta carbonica 3x 20%, Silicea 6x 20%, Calcarea posphorica 3x 20%, Natrum muriaticum 3x 20%, In equal proportion.Excipients q.s. to one tablet of 250 mg.

Indication : For children who have imperfect assimilation. who do not grow and develop. For children who are anaemic having feeble digestion. Children with lack of concentration and poor memory.



Composition : Abroma augusta Q 12.5%v/v, Acidum phosphoricum Q 12.5%v/v, Cephalandra indica Q 12.5%v/v, Crataegus oxy Q 12.5%v/v, Gymnema sylvestre Q 12.5%v/v, Helonias Dioica Q 12.5%v/v, Syzygium jambolanum Q 12.5%v/v, Alcohol 51%v/v, Excipients q.s.

Indication : Increased frequency of urination increased thirst, hyperglycaemia, weakness, muscle cramps.



Composition : Each tablet contains : Cedron 3 10%, Ignatia amara 6x 10%, Iris versicolor 3x 10%, Spigelia anthelmia 6x 10%, Usnea barbata 3x 10%, In equal proportion., Excipients q.s.

Indication : Headache due to exposure to sun, indigestion, nerousness, mental stress. Migraine, headache associated with nausea & vomiting.

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